
We value corporate Christian worship at RPC. While worship can happen any time or day of the week, we meet each Sunday to celebrate Christ's resurrection and God at work in our lives. The Service for the Lord's Day is a service of Word and Sacrament. We believe that we meet in the presence of the living Lord. Each Sunday, in our services, we gather in God's name, listen to God's word proclaimed, respond to God's word, and are sent out in God's name to serve one another.


Incorporating reformed liturgy and cherished hymns accompanied by piano, our early morning service offers traditional worship in a historically rich space.

8:15 a.m.

Join us for traditional worship offered twice on Sundays in this bright, classical space with choir, hymns, and organ.

9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.*

*livestream available

This service is deeply rooted in our liturgical tradition and is a modern expression of the ancient Christian faith. Join us for an intimate worship gathering featuring modern music, creative liturgy, and weekly communion.

10:45 a.m.*

*livestream available

Roswell Presbyterian Church is a vibrant faith community!

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